Monday, December 15, 2008


Temples of Angkor,
and chicken curry,
Dopey mosquitos,
and gekkos that scurry,
Deep fried tarantulas,
Angkor beer and sting,
These are a few of Cambodia's things....

Boat to Battambang,
By floating villages,
Fields of landmines,
Khmer Rouge pillages,
SUV's in Phnom Penh,
Treasures of kings,
These are a few of Cambodia's things....

Hello arachnid,
Insides porridge,
When my resolve crumbles,
I simply remember Cambodia's things..
and then I feel the rumble.

Tuk-tuk drivers,
Weaving and tooting,
Roosters and chickens,
Crowing and hooting,
Dignified monkeys,
Like human beings,
These are a few of Cambodia's things....

The Mekong River,
and Beef Lok Lak,
Foreign Correspondents Club,
An eight legged snack,
A plate of fish amok,
with a sauce that zings,
These are a few of Cambodia's things....

Genocide museum,
Landmine victim,
When I start to stumble,
I simply remember Cambodia's things..
and then I feel so humble.


Adrienne Jenkins said...

Nice ending. I like the way when you sing it to "My Favorite Things" how tarantulas trills off the tongue. 8:05 am Tuesday...2nd snowfall you're missing. Reports of Vancouver being unseasonably cold 5-10 cm in the forecast. We stocked up on milk and other provisions yesterday but noted that the liquor store near Oakridge was packed. Usually in the U.S. it's toilet paper, milk and bread but Canadians have their priorities straight for holing up in a, wine and hard liquor first. Don't know if we'll make it to the FREE Crown Royal afternoon tasting. Is it worth the 20 minute trek for a tasting of $190 bottle? Hmmmmm.

sherilg said...

Adrienne, what time is the tasting? I can manage to walk past the liquor store on my way home! Hmm, that would make the rest of the walk quite wonderful.


Martin said...

May i suggest the $1 buckets of vodka cocktails here to ease the seasonal blahs