This is a taxi:
This is a bus:

This is a staircase:This is shopping:
This is cooking lunch:
This is happy hour:
These are elephants:
And this is - well I'm not sure what exactly but it looks urgent:
November 5 to January 29: Hong Kong-Vietnam-Cambodia-Laos-Thailand
This is a staircase:This is shopping:
This is cooking lunch:
This is happy hour:
These are elephants:
And this is - well I'm not sure what exactly but it looks urgent:
I love your photos! I wish I could transport myself to Cambodia for a few days!
Julian is STILL enthralled with Haloween and insists on Watching the Great Pumkin Charlie Brown every night. We are tryig to wean him off it and onto the Charlie Brown Christmas special.
So, around our house we just squeal "HOWEEN!"
Aaah, shopping the Cambodian way. Looks fantastic. Much better than mooching around the malls, buying expensive tat with 100s of other people. Did you hear about that Wal-Mart employee who died in a sale stampede? Bloody awful. Looking at your photos makes me realise how crazy the "developed" world really is. Glad that the poo watch in in full swing HA! HA!
Love the "this is" essay. Light dusting of snow Friday night so that Saturday was beautifully dusted but sunny. Saturday night much snow so Sunday morning meant fluffy sidewalk shoveling. Lovely. Very pretty. I'm hoping this will finally kill off the last of your perennials so I can clip them back. The foliage has been hanging in there with the temperate weather.
Aww _ I can just picture you snuggling in with a pot of tea and the fire on, and E tonight on the telly!
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