Friday, December 19, 2008

Half-way point

It's a week before Christmas and we're at our halfway point of the trip - 6 whole weeks have passed.

What to do to mark the date? How about a long walk in the countryside, crossing temporary bamboo bridges, passing farms with chickens and cows and pigs all milling about together, waving to children who all wave and say sabaidee" back to us? The dust is kicked up frequently with moto drivers, tuk-tuks and a weird vehicle that has the engine of a tractor, the back of a pick up and the longest steering mechansim between the two. After an hour or two we find a huge cave with a lagoon at the bottom full of cool water and hundreds of fish.

After a swim with a few others, we head back, stopping at a roadside cafe for a cold drink and some fried rice. We meet another couple of travellers (East Germany) and share a beer with them overlooking the river as the sun starts its descent. We need a little snack before heading home and find the perfect thing in a banana and chocolate pancake cooked by the side of the road and then carried on our way. The mountains slowly fade into night and the air cools to about 20 degrees. For others it's time to party; for us, to snuggle among good books in our bungalow with its view across the river to prepare for a long bus journey tomorrow.


ejjarch said...

Meanwhile, back in BC...for the rest of us!
Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley dug out Monday after being blanketed by up to 30 centimetres of snow overnight.

Jenny said...

Unbelievable! And here you thought you'd get a nice, mild, wet, west coast Christmas. Hope you are keeping cosy - we like to think of you there and hope you are enjoying yourselves - now that you have heat again!

Adrienne Jenkins said...
