Sunday, December 7, 2008

Hillsborough's Going to India

Our almost-goddaughter Hillsborough is heading to India. Here are our thoughts from the road on maybe-not-obvious stuff to squeeze into the pack

1. A 2 metre length of bright cotton material. This can act as a skirt, sarong, bedsheet, shawl, headscarf, blanket, towel and all purpose ground cover. Mine is 20 years old from Fiji and covered in geckos and Jenny's is similarly aged and covered in hibiscus flowers.

2. A bell and elastic band. Hang on your door handle if you have a door handle to alert you to visitors or hang on backpack when sleeping on trains/in stations etc to alert you if the pack starts moving.

3. Padlocks and length of plastic covered thick wire. Lock your bags when away from them, lock them to furniture, train seats, nightbus beds etc.......

4. Hand Sanitizer - 1 bottle per month

5. Roll of duct tape. So far ours has been used to mend bags, backpacks

6. Earplugs - Always tons of noise in the developing world

7. Eye mask - Always tons of light in the developing world.

8. Gold Bond foot powder

9. email yourself all necessary numbers, passwords and codes and your favourite website list

10. setup a blog before you go to keep in touch and let people know you are still alive

1 comment:

Adrienne Jenkins said...

Have never heard the elastic band/bell tip. Nice one.